Created by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young, this blend was crafted to purify the air. Purification combines Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Rosemary Oil, Myrtle, and Tea Tree to uplift and invigorate the atmosphere. The plant sources for these oils come from many exotic and beautiful locations: Lemongrass is native to India, Guatemala, and other tropical countries; and Citronella originated in Sri Lanka. Purification utilizes these natural resources to brighten and freshen any space.
• Citronella: Has a refreshing aroma
• Lemongrass: Has a purifying aroma
• Tea Tree: Helps eliminate musky odors
Soothes skin when applied topically
Cleanses the air of unwanted odors
Is a great aromatic companion for outdoor activities
Freshens musty and stale areas with its clean, invigorating scent
Contains Lavandin, an ingredient that helps clean the air
Cymbopogon nardus† (Citronella) oil, Rosmarinus officinalis† (Rosemary) leaf oil, Cymbopogon flexuosus† (Lemongrass) oil, Melaleuca alternifolia† (Tea tree) leaf oil, Lavandula hybrida† (Lavandin) oil, Myrtus communis† (Myrtle) oil
†Premium essential oil